Saturday, October 24, 2009

Album Review - Disintegration by the Cure

The Cure have a unique kind of brilliance. There is no other band in the history of music has managed to bridge the gap between punk and pop to the bridge with such sentimentality and sadness resulting in a global chain reaction of melancholy, sadness and euphoria in action, millions of fans. With their dominant, melodic bass lines and the shrill voice of Robert Smith, that echo a lyrical obsession with fictitious dark mix to The Cure The Psychedelic, Punk darkGothic and pop sounds into a amagalm of what her sound manner.

There is no other album in the history of music as a breaking point, was a band with the peak of their popularity with tingling, burning, seductive sounds, hypnotic, intriguing vocals and simple lyrics. Despite concerns raised by the record company that the album would be a "Commercial Suicide", "Disintegration", published in 1989, is The Cure's return to the familiar pathsintrospective gloom, and their absolute masterpiece.

Achieved with a state of maturity has, in her eighth album, The Cure experiment with a dark, yet seductive atmosphere, the villagers thread around lust, unrequited romance, resolutions, and Tainted Love wraps. Darker than The Cure 'pop version' s Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me "from 1987, still more pop than The Cure's early eighties published" Faith "and pornography," "Disintegration" is somewhere inthe middle. Full of teenage romance, melancholy, anxiety and creative darkness, "Disintegration" is a pop album, which dealt with torture as the best art.

Characterized by a catastrophic use of synthesizers and keyboards, repetitive guitar riffs and Smith's meditative song opens the album with "Plainsong," a slow orchestral shower of synths and guitars. Then, "Pictures of You" with its ethereal guitar melodies and well structured synth echoes Smith's complaint about a bittersweetTaste of the relationship, which ended abruptly. Although optimistic, "Pictures of You 'is emotional, passionate and romantic texts interweave that with synth bass lines and plates.

"Anchored close 'and' prayer for rain," the direction of the layers of keyboards from gloomy guitar progressions. 'Closure' is a soaring track that Smith's physical and artistic shortcomings, whereas "Prayers for Rain" is a track that ultimately sounds depressing, the definition of a rainy dayMelancholia.

"Love Song" is the top-ten hit of the album and perhaps all the more complex tracks. Although it is an upbeat groove, dancing guitar riffs and rhythm section, "Love Song" is, in fact, dark and restrained, an open show of emotion. It is a simple love song that manages, in contrast to Smith's ability to show affection s, shake it to the public. Be written as a wedding gift for his wife, "Love Song" simply proves that emotions can be simpleaccomplish much more than vague and ambiguous language.

"Lullaby" is an atmospheric song with rhythmic guitar chords that anchor Smith 's whisper lyrics. Practically a terrifying fear that describes a picture should be, eaten alive by a spider man, "Lullaby" portrays Smith's nightmares from his childhood when his father took him to sing lullabies sung with a devastating end.

"Fascination Street" comes as a happier, brighter, more bass-deposits, meowed length anchoredwith Smith's voice sings typical Alley Cat by corrupt Bourbon Street in New Orleans. After 1.5 minutes instrumental intro, the track at a rapid pace, with simple, repetitive text and Smith's voice, building in intensity as the track stages the big finale, giving one last write before a fall sleepy roan.

The title song is "disintegration," a hymn to love and to tell a typical example of the musical style of the album, the drifting, ever-presentKeyboards, guitar repetitive progressions and complex drum patterns and depressing lyrics that are so complicated and yet so simple. If it is not a heart other than Robert Smith to be touched, has sang "I leave you with photos of fraud, stains on the carpet and stains on the memory Songs about happiness in a dream, when we both of us knew muttered, as the aim is always ... "

The title that the album is finished, "Last Dance", "The Same Deep Water As You ',"Nostalgia" and "Untitled". Staying tuned to the original style of the album, with the exception of "Untitled" it is quite optimistic, atmospheric, almost gothic ballads, keyboard, disks with multipart guitar lines and drum patterns, with the introspective lyrics of Robert Smith interwoven mix.

Having more than three million copies sold worldwide, 'disintegration' is still the highest selling album by The Cure. In addition to the album was ranked # 3 in the British albums chart and # 12in the U.S. Billboard 200th The album also produced hit singles with "Love Song" and reached # 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, "Lullaby" peaked at # 5 in the UK charts, "Fascination Street" reached # 1 on the U.S. Modern Rock charts and "Pictures of You" reached number 24 of the UK charts. In addition, "disintegration" voted as one of the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time 'on Rolling Stone Magazine at # 326th

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